Institute of Bioinformatics Münster
Repeat masking
Identification and masking of containing repeats


The first step in genome annotation is the identification of repetitive sequeces in the genome assembly. For this step, a pipeline has been executed to identify, mask, and annotate repeats in the genome assembly of P. californicus . This pipeline includes REPET for additionally identification of TE-elements and RepeatModeler for de-novo repeat classification of the repeats from the genome assembly. TE-class classifed unknown repeats from RepeatModeler and REPET. Finally a database was build up from all classified repeats from RepeatModeler, REPET and the Hymenoptera specific repeats from Repbase. RepeatMasker used the combined repeat database to identify repeats in the genome assembly and mask them by lower case letters (soft masking).

Repat annotation workflow
Figure 1: Overview of the Repeat annotation pipeline with programms for identification of TE-elements (REPET) and classification of unknown repeats (TE-class).

De-novo repeat family identification with RepeatModeler

RepeatModeler is a small sister-programm from RepeatMasker. RepeatModeler was used for de-novo repeat family identification. This program is using RECON and RepeatScout for the identification of repeat element boundaries and family relationships from the input sequence.

RepeatModeler builds a database for the programs out of the Genome at the first step

#Build database for RepeatModeler
perl BuildDatabase -name Pcal_DB -engine ncbi P.cal_polished_new_assembly.fasta >& buildDatabase_Pcal_assembly.log

This Database is then used to build, refine, and classify consensus models of putative interspersed repeats with RECON and RepeatScoud.

#run RepeatModeler with BLAST as search tool
RepeatModeler -engine ncbi -pa 4 -database Pcal_DB >& repeatmodeler_Pcal_assembly.log

Classify files for preperation of the database for RepeatMasker

#classify TE detection
RepeatClassifier -engine ncbi -consensi PcalFull_refTEs.fa
#classify Hymenoptera repbase
RepeatClassifier -engine ncbi -consensi hymenoptera-repbase.fasta

Finally we applied TE-class from online services with default parameter on the repeat library.

Repeat masking with RepeatMasker

RepeatMasker is a program written in perl, which is masking repeats accoding to a repeat library in nucleotide sequences. This programm replaces nucleotides in the sequeces which are included in repetitive sequeces by N's (hard masking) or by lower case characters like a,g,t, and c (soft masking). RepeatMasker uses sequence comparison programs like nhmmer, cross_match, ABBlast/WUBlast, RMBlast and Decypher to identify repetitive sequences in the genome which are also present in the used repeat library (collection of known repeats). For the repeat masking of P.californicus a repeat library was generated by using the repeats from Repbase which are specific for Hymenopterans, the classified repeat families detected by the de-novo approach with RepeatModeler, and the classified transposable elements detected by REPET. In order to increase the completeness of the library and reduce redundancy, we applied TE-class to classify unknown repeats and removed repeats with more then 90 % identity by appling cd-hit.

Run RepatMasker in soft-masking mode on the preperated repeat library ("P.californicus_repeat_library.fa") where the Hymenoptera specific repeats from Repbase, the de-novo detected repeats for P.californicus from RepeatModeler and the detected transposable elements from REPET are included.

#run RepeatMasker
nohup  RepeatMasker -s -xsmall -a -gff -pa 50 -u -lib  P.californicus_repeat_library.fa -dir final_RepeatMasker_out P.cal_polished_new_assembly.fasta >& repeat_annotation.log &

Get final detailed annotation summary.

#get detailed annotation
perl P.cal_polished_new_assembly.fasta.out > annotation.tbl


Download repeat library: [P.cal_classified_repeat_library.fa]

Download RepeatMasker Repeat summary (masked: 20.25 %): [P.cal_RepeatMasker_annotation.tbl]

Download RepeatMasker detailed Repeat summary: [P.cal_detailed_RepeatMasker_annotation.tbl]

Download RepeatMasker annotation: [P.cal_RepeatMasker.fasta.gff]

Download alignment file: [P.cal_RepeatMasker.fasta.align]

Download RepeatMasker out file: [P.cal_RepeatMasker.fasta.out]

Download RepeatMasker masked genome assembly fasta file: [P.cal_RepeatMasker.fasta.masked]


  • György Abrusán, Norbert Grundmann, Luc DeMester, Wojciech Makalowski TEclass—a tool for automated classification of unknown eukaryotic transposable elements , Bioinformatics, Volume 25, Issue 10, 15 May 2009, Pages 1329–1330
  • Timothée Flutre, Elodie Duprat, Catherine Feuillet, Hadi Quesneville Considering Transposable Element Diversification in De Novo Annotation Approaches, PLOS, Published: January 31, 2011
  • Hadi Quesneville , Casey M Bergman, Olivier Andrieu, Delphine Autard, Danielle Nouaud, Michael Ashburner, Dominique Anxolabehere Combined Evidence Annotation of Transposable Elements in Genome Sequences , PLOS, Published: July 29, 2005
2020-08-25 10:12