Institute of Bioinformatics Münster
Functional predictions
Functional annotation of MAKER predictions

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This section includes functional classification as identification of sequence similarity to proteins from P. californicus.
Functional classification
Number of classified protein coding genes 13,983 (90 %)
Number of non-classified protein coding genes 1,535 (10 %)


This section describes the quality of the predictions and the identification of the predictions coming from the annotation pipeline (see section MAKER prediction). A common problem in de-novo genome annotation is how to measure the quality of the predictions. The MAKER approach includes the Annotation Evidence Distance (AED) calculation. This measures the distance of the prediction to the reference (see section MAKER in chapter Structural gene prediction). So, the smaller the AED is, the more trustful the prediction is (better covered by RNA matching regions). A non-redundant database was used to search for sequence similarity in order to find potential proteins. This database includes over 181 million classified protein sequences. Here we distinguish between three main classes of blast hit situations depending on the coverage of the alignment to the subject (Reference nr protein) and query sequence ( protein) (see Figure 1). Finally, 13,983 proteins showed some similarity to this run (including all three classes from Figure 1), but 1,535 proteins do not share any hit with the nr databse. The unknown proteins were split into two categories by the AED (see figure 2). The unknown proteins with an AED smaller than 0.5 are called "putative uncharacterized proteins" because they have similarities with the reference and have high evidence for having the correct intron/exon strucure but are not characterized. The unknown proteins with an AED above 0.5 are called "hypothetical proteins" because they might not be proteins at all and the evidence of these predictions is low. Finally the functional predictions from relative organisms were compared to P. californicus predictions in order to get an idea of the amount of uncharacterized or unknown proteins from NCBI.


Download total functional protein Sequences (13,983 Sequences): [ functional proteins.fa]

Download non-annotated protein Sequences (1,535 Sequences): [ non-annotated proteins.fa]

Download annotation file: [ annotations.gff]


Functional classes
Figure 2: Cases which can occur during the functional classification of proteins based on BLASTp execution.

ID mapping

Replace IDs with defined prefix IDs:
maker_map_ids --prefix Pcal_ --justify 8 P.cal_polished_new_assembly.fasta.all.gff >
Copy files for renaming:
cp P.cal_polished_new_assembly.fasta.all.gff P.cal_polished_new_assembly.renamed.all.gff
cp P.cal_polished_new_assembly.fasta.all.maker.proteins.fasta P.cal_polished_new_assembly.renamed.all.proteins.fasta
cp P.cal_polished_new_assembly.fasta.all.maker.transcripts.fasta P.cal_polished_new_assembly.renamed.all.transcripts.fasta
Map IDs to gff file:
map_gff_ids P.cal_polished_new_assembly.renamed.all.gff
Map IDs to fasta files:
map_fasta_ids P.cal_polished_new_assembly.renamed.all.proteins.fasta 
map_fasta_ids P.cal_polished_new_assembly.renamed.all.transcripts.fasta

BLAST against uniprot

makeblastdb -in uniprot_sprot.fasta -input_type fasta -title uniprot_sprot.fasta.BLASTDB -dbtype prot -out uniprot_sprot.fasta.BLASTDB -logfile uniprot_sprot.fasta.BLASTDB.log
blastp -query P.cal_polished_new_assembly.fasta.all.maker.proteins.fasta  -db uniprot_sprot.fasta.BLASTDB -num_threads 10 -evalue 1e-6 -max_hsps 1 -max_target_seqs 1 -outfmt 6 -out output.blastp > blastp.log
cp output.blastp output.renamed.blastp
Map IDs to BLAST output
map_data_ids output.renamed.blastp

Domain detection with Interproscan

Run Interproscan: -i P.cal_polished_new_assembly.fasta.all.maker.proteins.fasta  -cpu 10 -o output.iprscan -appl pfam -dp -f TSV -goterms -iprlookup -pa -t p  > interproscan.log
cp output.iprscan output.renamed.iprscan
Map IDs to Interproscan output:
map_data_ids output.renamed.iprscan

Mapping functional detection to gff and fasta

Map functional detections from BLAST to gff and fasta:
maker_functional_gff Pogonomyrmex_Refseq.fasta output.renamed.blastp P.cal_polished_new_assembly.renamed.all.gff > Pcal.renamed.putative_function.gff
maker_functional_fasta Pogonomyrmex_Refseq.fasta output.renamed.blastp P.cal_polished_new_assembly.renamed.all.proteins.fasta > Pcal.maker.proteins.renamed.putative_function.fasta
maker_functional_fasta Pogonomyrmex_Refseq.fasta output.renamed.blastp P.cal_polished_new_assembly.renamed.all.transcripts.fasta > Pcal.maker.transcripts.renamed.putative_function.fasta
Add Domain predictions:
ipr_update_gff Pcal.renamed.putative_function.gff output.renamed.iprscan > Pcal.renamed.putative_function.domain_added.gff 
iprscan2gff3 output.renamed.iprscan P.cal_polished_new_assembly.renamed.all.gff > visible_iprscan_domains.gff
2020-11-18 22:05